IHealth developed iTrain-u and Dynamic HIIT on a evidenced based theoretical level, that show a protocol as such described these strategies can improve individuals attentional focus, which refers to the narrowing of thoughts to focus upon those that are concerned with the actioning of a task or those that are external to the task, termed the constrained action hypothesis (Vidal et al., 2018). This all happens through a rapid fractional second data processing fire-fox data base system and screen refreshing enabling quantified real time data. This logic activates visual feedback breathtaking and innovate, alongside never seen before user interfaces, specific real time audio coaching instruction and motivational commands when the AI senses the user needs so to guide the user to better time in the zone (TIZ) results and in turn, better physiological outcomes.

Itrain workouts registration#
The software allocates live HR registration data to fixed intensity zones defined from cut-offs registered in the software and obtained from the real time physiological biometric baseline of the user. ITrain-u utilises the complete spectrum of indoor and outdoor cardio training protocols including, targeted heart rate HIIT training. Bluetooth smart technology enables the connection of wireless earphones and compatible heart rate monitors to feed continuous second-by-second heart rate data readings. The app offers personalised session goals (SG) and targeted heart rate zone training. Abstract : iHealth Technology have developed iTRAIN-U, a cardiovascular training app built as an IOS application developed through Swift, a general-purpose programming language used to implement software for Apple operating systems including watchOS and iOS.